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Sheila Wogomon '95

Sheila Wogomon '95


Marshall, Missouri

Current City

Blue Springs, Missouri

Alumni Association Board Member

Board Involvement

  • Member of Mentor/Membership Committee


  • B.S. Mass Communication - Broadcasting, Northwest Missouri State University, 1995

Occupation / Employer Name

Space and Assortment Planner

Hallmark Cards, Inc. 

Northwest / Community Involvement

  • President, Northwest Missouri State University Kansas City Alumni and Friends Chapter

  • Alumni Volunteer
  • Election Judge, Jackson County Board of Elections
  • Blood Donor, Community Blood Center
  • Back Snack Packer, Harvesters
  • Group Leaders, Adopt-a-Family for my work group with Operation Breakthrough

Interests / Hobbies

I love to read, work in my garden, watch movies, spend time with my family and friends, and take care of our fur babies - two beagles and a cat.

Special Memories of Northwest

I loved being part of the Bearcat Marching Band and the Wind Symphony. We were able to play at Arrowhead Stadium for the Kansas City Chiefs during my time at Northwest and that was amazing! But some of my favorite musical memories were playing flute with Dr. June McDonald and the flute choir. We had a wonderful group of musicians, and we had a lot of fun. 

On the broadcasting side, I loved hosting the Fall Freeze and Spring Thaw with KDLX and providing free hot dogs to the students under the Bell Tower. Such a great time!

Activities or Organizations Involved In While Attending Northwest

  • KDLX - On Air Personality, Traffic Director, Promotion Director
  • KXCV - On Air Personality, Full-time summer duties
  • Radio Television News Directors Association
  • Mortar Board Society
  • Sigma Alpha Iota
  • Bearcat Marching Band
  • Wind Symphony
  • Flute Choir

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